A key focus of Esoteric Acupuncture is the expansion of consciousness to facilitate the journey of self discovery and healing. This process is often described as “finding one’s puzzle piece in life”. Who are you? Why are you here now? You chose to incarnate on this planet at this time, what role did you come here to fulfill? Expanded consciousness and understanding who you are is amongst the highest forms of healing. This is why seeking answers to these questions is fundamental to our evolution.
DISCERNMENT is a crucial feature in this process and is an important step towards trusting yourself and your decisions. True discernment is beyond the linear thinking of weighing the facts and making a decision. It is knowing things to be true — not just in your mind but in your heart. The Heart is the gateway to higher consciousness. When one is able to develop the invaluable skill of being able to quiet the mind and tune into one’s heart centre, the clarity of discernment and the ability to access higher consciousness will unfold.
Read ther full article on Medium: https://medium.com/@cditecco/discern-the-whisper-of-your-heart-1aac40644cc8