Frequently Asked Questions:
How is Esoteric Acupuncture different from other types of acupuncture treatment?
Focus on Wellness and the expansion of consciousness over a curative/disease model
The Wellness model stresses disease prevention and health maintenance and the growth and enhancement of the spiritual aspects of humanity.
In this paradigm healing is viewed as moving from one state of consciousness to a healthier and expanded state of consciousness.
What can I expect from an Esoteric Acupuncture treatment?
Results will vary. Effects of the treatment is generally
dependant on the level of self development and spiritual work the client has done (meditation, spiritual practice, self development).
The treatment does not end on the treatment table. Quite often, an “unfolding” can occur over the next several days after the treatment. New crystallizations with new awareness and perspectives can occur. Many report more “a-ha” moments occurring.
Is this type of treatment dangerous or harmful?
Generally speaking, Esoteric Acupuncture is safe to practice on people of all ages.
If needles are used in Esoteric Acupuncture treatment the insertion is so shallow and gentle and the needles used are of such a fine gauge there is little risk of physical injury.
Can Esoteric Acupuncture be used to treat symptoms affecting the physical body?
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Is Esoteric Acupuncture appropriate for everyone?
Esoteric Acupuncture is appropriate for those who are seeking a new approach to health, healing and consciousness or, at the very least, are open-minded to the possibility of expanding awareness and consciousness.
Individuals whose reality is fear based may find their fears amplified with Esoteric Acupuncture. For these individuals it is often better to proceed first with treatments that balance the body and chakras before using the new encoding patterns.
What are the benefits of treatment with Esoteric Acupuncture?
Esoteric Acupuncture is designed to allow you to unfold your Inner Light/Wisdom (at your own pace).
The highest level of health is knowing who you truly are, internally and externally. Find your puzzle piece in life.
Can Esoteric Acupuncture assist in a meditation practice or spiritual development?
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